Friday, October 30, 2009
Earthlings Response
I first watched Earthlings at the beginning of the semester. Some of the clips were already familiar to me because I had seen some through YouTube. My environmental science teacher in high school had told us about such slaughterhouses. As I watched the movie, I found some of the scenes hard to watch. Especially the fact when animals killed for fur are killed by being anally electrocuted. I agree with Joaquin Phoenix when he says "for every one person who sees Earthlings, they will tell three." (276B) After I finished I sent the links to my friends. A few couldn't eat meat for awhile. The movie is strong in message and in images. As I watched a strong sense of guilt overwhelms me because I support this violence. I eat meat on a daily basis, go to the Houston Rodeo every year, own leather products, and buy items that have been tested on animals. Earthlings is an enlightening movie. It opens up my eyes to what is going on and what I can do to help. By taking small steps in my lifestyle I can make a slight impact.
Watching it for a second time is more intense. I listen more intently to what Joaquin Phoenix is saying and put a lot more thought into it. "The comparison here to the holocaust is both intentional and obvious: one group of living beings anguishes beneath the hands of another." (282) Perhaps if a German was confronted with evidence of the violence during The Holocaust, he/she would deny it. The harsh images would seem to exaggerated to believe at first. However, they must soon realize it isn't possible to be exaggerating or making it all up. If they ever did come to terms with it and accept that what is happening is real, the idea of standing up against it would cross their mind. The country was under the influence of a horrible leader, that ruled with fear. The fact that standing up will mark them with the same fate as those in the concentration camps prevents from any action taking place.
The screenplay is not as strong as the movie. One can't picture the cruelty the same way the movie shows the clips. Images are more dramatic than one can imagine. We will try to imagine the worst, but hold back. As humans, we want to believe that the country we live in can not possibly allow that much violence. Showing the truth without mercy is intense and shocking. The documentary shows the world what truly goes on behind closed doors. It is sad some know what goes on and do nothing to stop it. A change in the way these animals are killed needs to be done. Restrictions need to be made and regulations need to be revised for these animals to find some justice.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Killing animals is what many consider nature like me, but few realize that they are being killed violently. An animal should only be killed to be eaten. Not for entertainment, not just to use one body part like its' tusks, and not to be dissected. Animals should die as painless and quickly as possible to be consumed by humans. One must consider their morals and ethics in deciding to eat meat, purchase leather or fur, or watch a dogfight. What separates us from these animals is that we have a voice, and other believe we have reason and logic. Well shouldn't a human being that can reason, believe one must treat others the way they want to be treated?
However, I don't think I can completely turn vegetarian or vegan. I am not saying I am going to ignore the situation either. I do plan on cutting back meat gradually. For the sake of the animals that are suffering. It will also benefit my health overall. Eating less meat will lead to a decrease in chance of heart disease and increase a longer life. I will no longer buy products that are tested on animals. I will not consume from restaurants like McDonalds or KFC. I will spread the word to anyone willing to listen on how animals are treated in the US. I also hope to get involved with Peta and other organizations on campus that are against animal cruelty.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Alice and Animal Ethics
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
According to Covey there are two kinds of ethics: character and personality. Many people will agree that the character ethic is what they are most familiar with incuding characteristics of "courage, patience, and modesty." (Covey, 18) However, many people will confuse it for the personality ethic. The personality ethic is what is more common today. The way society thinks today many people will be "manipulative, even deceptive" because they want to get ahead in life. They want to gain the leadership position faster, but not sincerely. The leadership position they attain will be lost since there wasn't "deep integrity and fundamental character strength."(Covey, 22) This drive they have is only for their own self gain and not in the best for everyone. Covey mentions interdependence. In some way, we are all connected and affect each other. The personality ethic is what drives society to immoral decisions because they only want their needs met.
A good leader needs to have compassion and empathy. These three traits is what leads to the personality ethic. The Greek philosophy of influence called ethos, pathos, and legos is a prime example of empathy. (238) One must gain trust and by doing so, he or she has to have compassion. Compassion is where "one's pain is shared and received" with others. Building trust will lead into pathos where you will seek first to understand, and then to be understood which is logos. This philosophy of influence is what builds ethics. Knowing what a person feels or will feel in any decision will question their ethics. To have good ethics, one has to be sincere, have compassion, and be empathetic.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Time to Change for a Better Society
There’s a new issue that has been steadily increasing recently. Action needs to be taken; a solution must be presented. Some will believe this subject is not their problem; or this problem is one that only concerns minorities. In reality, the situation going on affects the nation. The issue affects society as a whole because they have to bear the economic and cultural costs it brings. The controversial topic: teen pregnancy. Texas has alarming statistics stating “3.7 million students are not provided the most basic information about protecting themselves from unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.” The facts get more serious when Texas ranks “the third-highest teen birth rate in the nation.” [1] These statistics are incredible and recent. How did we let things get so out of hand? Teen pregnancy is not uncommon, but it has been put to the side as if its unimportant. Students in middle school and high school deserve to receive sex education. My stretch goal is to start a sex education class in the community I came from. The sight of a young Hispanic girl with all the potential to go to college delayed because of an unplanned child was very common. Abstinence alone is not the only answer anymore to preventing teen pregnancies; it has obviously failed. Starting a program that teaches abstinence, birth control methods and how to use them properly, prevention of sexually transmitted disease, advocate family communication, and teach skills on making responsible decisions is what teens deserve in school. The program in general will help teens understand the importance of an education in all areas and be able to plan a future which they can have control over. This leadership vision will help teens and society in several ways.
The program is aiming at Hispanics since they are the largest number in teen pregnancies, however all students will be reached.[2] One of the benefits the Hispanic society will gain is a chance to reduce the constant stereotype of young Hispanic girls having many kids. The more Hispanic students are reached, the more educated Hispanic students will come out of high school and pursue college degrees. The more teens in college will reduce the money spent on teen pregnancy. This should be delightful since it would save the “taxpayers’ (federal, state and local) $9.1 billion annually.”[3] A reduction in teen births will stop teens from dropping out; meaning more educated employees for the employer. We are in a time where money is getting tight for many families. Teenagers will find it extremely difficult to raise a child on their own financially. The money being spent on teen pregnancies could be spent on financial aid for college bound students. Thinking of this issue as a whole can be easily connected to everyone. This increase in teen births is a dire situation that I want to help for the benefit of society, and for me to do so I’ll need to discover myself and realize my goals.
At The University of Texas I want to gain the best education; “the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them.”[4] The university is a place where one can learn who they are through all the different aspects of learning they can come across here. Knowing who I am will better prepare me for who I will become in the future. I knew I had to experience something new to see how I would react. To see who I am as a person outside the normality. Coming here to UT would be an experience of a lifetime that not everyone gets to take. Surrounding myself with different people, the classes, and the new life would help me determine who I really am as a person. Discovering who I am will set me closer to my stretch goal in giving back to my community. However, before I can accomplish this goal, I’ll have to reach my manageable goals to become a good leader.
Here at UT I will volunteer, manage my time better, keep up with my GPA, and learn how to become a better person. Volunteering at clinics and health related events will help me get accepted into the nursing school. It will also help me attain a better understanding of the health care system which I will work in the future. Helping people is an act of selfless human nature that I want to do as often as I can. Through volunteering I will be able to practice this human nature that is dire in nursing. Making time to volunteer at least 5 hours a week or even just on weekends will make a difference. Along with volunteering, managing time is another manageable goal. Time management is essential for me to keep everything balanced. A balanced life is a successful life. Sharpening my skills in time management will help me improve in my classes and in my life overall. Starting with a basic schedule on when to study, when to work, when to volunteer, when to visit counselors will set me up to easily plan events like when to talk to students, when to meet with pregnant teens, and when to help someone’s life. The next four years will be managed efficiently. With these two goals, keeping up my GPA will be easier. In order to stay on top of my GPA as they say, I’ll go to study groups, tutoring when I need it, and attend class. The scholarships I have received need me to stay at a certain GPA, and I will not go below the standard. Having a good GPA will give me a stronger chance into being accepted by the nursing school. These simple, not too far out of reach goals will help me achieve my ultimate goal.
The nursing field has always interested me because I can be able to help many people’s lives. After I complete nursing I’d like to become a physician’s assistant. This class will help me become a leader and better qualify me to reach my ultimate goal. The nursing school is really competitive and for me to learn ethics and leadership, which are two main ideals of nursing, will prepare me for what lies ahead. The courses that I have to take will be somewhat intense since I’ll need 13 hours of biology. Biology has always been an interesting subject to me, but if I do tire of it, I’ll have strategies to help me continue on towards my goal. Just having the idea of impacting a whole community is enough motivation to keep me going towards my goal. As I looked at my degree plan, many of the course I feel I shouldn't bother taking contain a good portion of writing. Writing has lost its value in today’s world; knowing how to write will make me a better candidate for the nursing school. The skill of writing is rare nowadays like Professor Bump says. Such a skill is essential in the health field as to diagnosing and treating patients. Writing will be important in my stretch goal because in order to improve society, I’ll have to know how to grasp people’s attentions of my goal through writing. Reading is a part of all the classes I will take for my career path and my goal. Being able to read with understanding is a trait that I need to work on. For the four years I plan to be here, reading skills will be developed to a point that will help me in my stretch goal. These writing, reading, ethical, and leadership traits I learn from the class are a step closer to achieving my goal for the community. The leadership portion of this class is beneficial for me as a person to grow, and to know how to handle people when I am in a leadership position. It is through this class that I am learning wha it takes to be a good leader. Becoming a good leader will take time, and possibly even after I leave UT. As long I am here in this university I will be proactive and pursue my goal for the greater good.
A good leader must be able to “listen with empathy.”[5] For my goal in giving back to society, I must learn how to first truly understand others before I can help them. Without understanding them, I will not get anywhere in completing my goal. To be the leader I want to be, I have to achieve success as a person. Bessie Stanley wrote a poem on success as a person, or leader, should be:
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.”[6]
To know that I have made at least a huge difference or impact on someone’s life for the better, I will be proud and feel successful. Luckily my career path will allow for me to be able to accomplish something quite similar. After my career, the first leap of realizing my stretch goal would be complete. To make my goal of a program that will help reduce teen pregnancies, this class, as well as the nursing courses, will help me become the leader I must be to fulfill the change I want to see. For me to accomplish and continue the program I would have to have achieved an awareness of what a good leader is, sharp writing and reading skills, and a strong sense of ethics.
Teen pregnancy is an issue that society is affected by whether they realize it or not. My goal of the sex education program will benefit everyone involved. I will be able to help teens’ lives daily by leading them towards the right path to improve society. Here at The University of Texas, the education and experience I gather, I will use to its full extent to change lives for a better tomorrow.
Word Count with Quotes: 1, 827
Word Count without Quotes: 1, 737
[1] Leticia Van de Putte, “Viewpoint: A new approach for teen pregnancy prevention,” SACommunities, September 24, 2009,
[2] Liz Sabatiuk, Ruthie Flores, “Toward a Common Future Latino Teens and Adults Speak Out About Teen Pregnancy,” NCLR, n.d.,
[3] Saul Hoffman, Ph.D., “By the Numbers: The Public Cost of Childbearing,” n.d.,
[4] Newman, Paul. “The Idea of a University, 1852.” Leadership, Ethics, and Animals: A Signature Seminar. Ed. Bump. Austin: Jenn’s Copy & Binding, 2009. 170. Print.
[5] The 7 habits of highly effective people restoring the character ethic. New York: Free press, NY. Print.
[6] Transcendentalists, “Success,”
Monday, October 5, 2009
Alice in Wonderland
Alice is a leader in that she found herself on her own experiences because "the hostile characters offer[ed] no guidance to find her nirvana, she opens the door to power with self confidence that she had all along." She had to venture on her own and rely on herself to unlock the 'door of self confidence.'
No one really gave her straight answers when she wanted help. "But what am I to do? said Alice. "Anything you like, said the Footman." (59 Alice) She had to discover everything on her own. Even if it was just the simplest task as to what direction to go in or what to do next. This new independence made her a leader.
In Through The Looking Glass, Alice is now used to not getting help form others. She had a better understanding of how the Wonderland characters were which made a good leader. Understanding others will help her understand herself. When she became a queen she asked herself "But how can it have got there without my knowing it?" (248 Alice) Alice had become a leader. All the characters and experiences she had encountered were steps for her to discover herself. That she was capable of becoming queen so soon and learning how to understand and get through Wonderland.
The issue of ethics came up during the bird accusing Alice of being a serpent. The pigeon mentions to Alice if she ate eggs "then [she's] a kind of serpent...This was such a new idea to Alice that she was quite silent for a minute or two." (56 Alice) The idea that birds can defend their eggs by talking to Alice opens up the idea if eating eggs is immoral. The pigeon was really defensive just like a mother would be if someone tried to hurt her child. That is why Alice is left silent.
The transition from Houston to Austin was like Alice going down the rabbit hole. The new city is strange to me because I don't know my way around it yet; just like the university. It's been hectic but I now know my way around it better and know that the people here are not as mad as the characters Alice came across in Wonderland.