Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My results

I actually expected some of the results I got from the test. Early on in my senior year of high school my student council advisor had made us take a similar test based on colors. Orange was the extroverted person and green and blue were more introverted types of people. However, it was really vague. This test was a lot more accurate and more detailed. Turned out I was Introverted (33%), Sensing (38%), Thinking (38%), and Judging (44%).

Yea, it’s pretty obvious that I am shy right off the bat, but not so much with friends. At first I am really shy and feel awkward around new people, but in time I do become friendlier. My friend tells me, “Tengo cara de pocos amigos.” Meaning I have an unfriendly face, therefore few friends. That isn’t really the case though. I’m not saying that I am popular with a billion friends, but I do have friends that have stuck it out to see that I really am a good friend. So the friends I have made all have told me they thought I was “anti-social”. My sister always tells me that I should think before I speak in front of people I just met because of how I am; which was what my teaching method was saying to “choose [my] words wisely… not to offend others.” It was creepily accurate on the whole “do not react well to change and resist it.” I tend to stick with the old way and takes awhile for me to get used to the new way. It really gets irritating sometimes when something changes at the last minute after I had already assumed it was set in stone. Last minute changes are rare in my case; rather go with the first plan. The way Professor Bump has started off the class with introducing each other and getting to know each other to break through “the initial coldness” was my type of teaching method (145).
My approach to writing was interesting for me to find out. I had never really put too much thought on my method of writing a paper, but I did know that writing about personal topics or vague ones were really hard for me to grasp or make a concept out of. I “anticipate ideas before writing,” and “follow a set schedule to completion” (147). This is true, I take my time and make an outline before I write. Once in awhile I’ll start writing because I’ll have all these thoughts, but then I will hit a block because I won’t “see where the paper is going” (149). I never really liked writing unless it was writing “logically, objectively, and analytically” (152). Writing for me is easy if I have specific guidelines and more details than free-style topics or personal ones. I also agreed that revising for me is “merely ‘correcting’ or proofreading” (150). I don’t think I actually ever written several drafts from the same paper, except in 3rd grade; even then it didn’t include drastic changes. So when Professor Bump mentioned that revising and rewriting papers was fun, I didn’t see how. I would actually like trying it though because all of the papers I’ve done I was never really satisfied with them. Perhaps this different method of revising, or more accurate method, will help me be more comfortable with writing and then I’ll actually appreciate my papers.

The Instructor/Class Typology was right on the learning, teaching, and writing style. Helped me understand how I write and what I can work on changing for a better writing style. It was a pretty good assignment. Actually recommended my friends to take it, they were also impressed. As for my personality, most of it was accurate as well. It had said I was “humble and focused on credentials and traditions.” That sums me up so far I think. As for the “stabilizing leader” part I am not sure; time will tell I guess.

Famous people with the ISTJ personality were J.D. Rockefeller, Queen Elizabeth II, and Harry S. Truman

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